Important Disclosure About Limitation of Sample Documents

* Important Disclosure About Limitation of Sample Documents

Please understand that a sample document purchased through this online store is merely a sample and provided to the purchaser on "as is" basis with no warranty or guaranty whatsoever. 

The sample document has not been customized to the purchaser's business model, the specific rules and regulatory requirements applicable to the purchaser. This sample document may not be applicable or appropriate for every purchaser. The purchaser should not consider a sample document purchased from our online store as an exhaustive, comprehensive or definitive list of the items necessary to meet the purchaser's obligations under the applicable laws, rules and regulatory requirements. 

The sample document is not intended to detect or prevent fraud, selling away, undisclosed outside business activities, inaccurate or false fee calculations, theft, misappropriation or unlawful conversion of client funds.

Due to changes of regulatory requirements, rules and laws on and off, the sample documented may become outdated and need to be updated or discontinued. Since the sample document may not reflect the specific regulatory  requirements applicable to the ourchaser, the purchaser should check with their compliance staff, external compliance consultants or other professionals in their relevant jurisdictions before using such document.

The sample document is not a substitute for retaining a compliance professional to advise and assist the purchaser regarding their compliance obligations under relevant rules and laws.

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the purchaser understands that the purchaser has not engaged CompliancePlus Consulting Limited in a consulting relationship by merely utilizing a sample form. Additionally, the purchaser understand that unless otherwise agreed to in writing, CompliancePlus Consulting Limited is not responsible for customizing this sample document, updating the sample document, preparing the purchaser's written supervisory procedures or code of ethics, or notifying the purchaser of changes to the relevant laws and rules. The purchase of such document, sample form, templates, forms, checklists, policy and/or manual etc. from this online store does not include additional compliance advisory services that can be provided at an additional fee to be quoted. 

The sample document is limited to the use by the purchaser for reasonable business use purpose only that CompliancePlus retains all copyrights, intellectual properties rights and ownership of all the documents, templates, policy and manual that are available for purchase in this online store. 

Any infringement of copyright by unauthorized user or third party will be subject to legal actions and legal claims of CompliancePlus. 

CompliancePlus Consulting Limited

Hong Kong 

November 2019