This service will help you to understand if you are qualified as an SFC Responsible Officer or not and details that need to be further elaborated in your profile or cv. This will facilitate you in all of your SFC licence applications, job Searches, career planning or further study planning.
Our team is renowned for handling SFC licence applications and assessments on SFC Responsible Officers’ competency and that we had handled over 400 related licence applications in the SFC within the past 10 years.
Please fill in the form below
and complete the payment online by purchasing this service item. Also, please make sure you upload your CV, preferably in word format, when filling out the above form for us to assess your chances of you qualifying as an SFC Responsible Officer.
CV and profile will be edited and sent back via the provided email address within 3 working days upon receipt of your CV and profile that we will provide one round of cv profile edit services.
All data, details and personal information will be kept in strict confidence. Please note that the assessment is based on the information provided. All SFC licence applications are always subject to official approval by the Securities and Futures Commission. Our assessments are for references only and that they are not contractually or legally binding.
Please note that for NON ONGOING clients of CompliancePlus, you will need to make sure you have completed the ONLINE PAYMENT only then will we proceed to edit and review your cv.
For Ongoing Clients of CompliancePlus, as a part of our ongoing compliance services support, you are welcomed to contact your usual contact at CompliancePlus.
If you have any queries on this, please contact us at
The price quoted is in Hong Kong Dollars.